
Showing posts from August, 2020

Why do we fail in executing our plans?

                   Do you come in that list of people who create plans before starting their work?                          Are you the one who is interested to do things effectively?                 Are you the one who is motivated at the start but not till the end? Yes, it is not only you, but most of us plan things before we start working on them. People create plans to have an idea about the tasks and to understand the sequence of steps to be taken for a smooth, fast and an effective outcome. Well, in industries, offices, and at workplaces we do our work as per the plans that we decide as a team at our workplace. More over, our work is monitored, we are checked time to time and part by part and strictly speaking we are audited so that our contribution to the team, and our potential is evaluated and the feedback is drafted to ensu...